Autism and Anxiety

Autism and anxiety go hand in hand and are often interrelated. Anxiety is normally a word that’s associated with those on the autism spectrum. When one looks up the phrase anxiety in the dictionary, you’ll discover a number of definitions, each of them relating to either an extreme feeling of fear or unease in reaction to a perceived or actual threat.

autism and anxiety

For a neurotypical person with autism, it may feel as though the autistic child has a fear of the world, of going out in public, of interacting with people, and even of having social interaction with other autistic children. This is a very common reaction for autistic children. Unfortunately, these children are never able to learn coping mechanisms or alternative ways to cope with their anxiety.

Autism and anxiety are usually experienced by those who are not yet diagnosed. The autistic person may become hyper-sensitive to certain stimulus, such as the sound of a tap on the door, the sight of a person pulling a cart, or even the smell of something which the autistic individual may associate with being around a person with autism. If a child begins to exhibit signs of anxiety, then they may be more than just mildly anxious.

In addition to this, high levels of stress can cause the immune system to become overactive and consequently the body produces an abundance of certain hormones that are linked to anxiety, such as cortisol and epinephrine. It has been well documented that children with autism often have excessive amounts of cortisol in their system.

As with other developmental disorders, autism can also be triggered by certain environmental factors. This means that if a parent does not like a particular smell or sounds coming from a certain environment, or if they’re afraid of being exposed to certain things, then this may cause the child to develop some type of anxiety. There is no exact proof that autism and anxiety are directly related but it’s possible.

Some researchers feel there are some similarities between autistic people and anxious people. They believe that autistic people may be reacting to negative situations which could be related to the autism, in the same way that anxious people react to a stressful situation. It’s also thought that autistic people may be overly sensitive to the environment, which could mean that they experience an increase in cortisol and/or anxiety after being exposed to specific types of stimuli, including sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, etc.

In general, autistic persons’ symptoms are similar to the symptoms of anxiety. These include trouble with eye contact, inability to focus, hyperactivity, and trouble focusing on objects. The autistic person may also exhibit extreme sensitivity to sounds and may display aggressive behavior, including hitting, kicking, crying, and screaming. As mentioned above, autistic children frequently display anxiety when they’re around other autistic people.

Many autistic children will try to avoid interaction with other people. They may also have an extremely restricted ability to read body language. They may also have difficulty forming relationships with other children and be difficult to read.

Some autistic children are more hyperactive than others. Others will display an abnormal preference for one gender or another.

While there’s little evidence that autism and anxiety are related, it may be helpful to know that these conditions are often treated in the same way. This can include social skills training, behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medications, and nutritional supplements.

If you’ve noticed some of these symptoms in your children, then you’ll know that you have a child with Autism. It can be a frustrating experience and is important to remember that all children are different, so you’ll need to treat each child differently, and try to determine why each child is displaying these symptoms.

For example, some children need social skills training. and others may respond better to a combination of behavior therapy and medication. Some autistic children may require a combination of both. Other autistic children may benefit from speech therapy and behavioral therapy and may need a combination of medication, while some autistic children may only require a combination of medications and speech therapy.

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